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Packaged Tools ​

Below is a list of tools included in this package that you can use in your agent.

Serper Tool ​

The Serper tool allows your agent to perform Google searches.

Add your Serper API key to your .env file: You can get an API key by signing up here: Serper API


Then, include the SerperTool in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SerperTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [new SerperTool];


The SERP API tool enables your agent to search Google and Google News, depending on the tool you choose.

Add your SERP API key to your .env file: You can get an API key by signing up here: SERP API


Then, include either the SerpAPIGoogleSearchTool or the SerpAPIGoogleNewsTool in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SerpAPIGoogleNewsTool;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SerpAPIGoogleSearchTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [
        new SerpAPIGoogleSearchTool,
        new SerpAPIGoogleNewsTool,

Firecrawl Tool ​

The Firecrawl tool enables your agent to scrape the content of a webpage using its full URL.

Add your Firecrawl API key to your .env file: You can get an API key by signing up here: Firecrawl


Then, include the FirecrawlTool in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\FirecrawlTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [new FirecrawlTool];

Crunchbase Tool ​

The Crunchbase tool allows your agent to gather information about a company on Crunchbase using an entityID.

Add your Crunchbase API key to your .env file: You can get an API key by signing up here: Crunchbase API


Then, include the CrunchbaseTool in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\CrunchbaseTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [new CrunchbaseTool];

Clearbit Company Tool ​

The Clearbit Company tool allows your agent to gather information about a company on Clearbit using its domain name.

Add your Clearbit API key to your .env file: You can get an API key by signing up here: Clearbit


Then, include the ClearbitCompanyTool in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\ClearbitCompanyTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [new ClearbitCompanyTool];

SQL Database Tool ​

The SQL Database toolset allows the agent to browse and answer questions based on the database your Laravel application is running. This toolset is adapted from the LangChain SQL Database tool: LangChain SQL Database Tool.

There are three tools your agent can use:

  • InfoSQLDatabaseTool: Retrieves the schema and sample rows from specified SQL tables using Schema::getColumns($table) and DB::select("SELECT * FROM {$table} LIMIT 3").
  • ListSQLDatabaseTool: Lists the table names in your database using Schema::getTables().
  • QuerySQLDataBaseTool: Executes a select query against the database using DB::select($query).

Typically, you would include all three tools in your agent:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SQL\InfoSQLDatabaseTool;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SQL\ListSQLDatabaseTool;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Tools\SQL\QuerySQLDataBaseTool;

protected function resolveTools(): array
    return [
        new InfoSQLDatabaseTool,
        new ListSQLDatabaseTool,
        new QuerySQLDataBaseTool,