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Prompts ​

One of the powerful features of Synapse is its integration with Laravel's Blade system for generating prompts. This means you can leverage all Blade template functionalities within your prompts.

How It Works ​

At runtime, Synapse retrieves the view specified in the agent's $promptView variable. It uses the inputs provided in the handle function, along with any inputs injected by traits such as memory. The prompt is rendered as plain text using Laravel's standard view method.

Synapse Message Syntax ​

Synapse introduces custom tags to distinguish between message types in the compiled prompt view. This syntax allows you to easily create few-shot prompts by differentiating user, agent, system, and tool messages. The base tag used for this is <message></message>. Content wrapped in a <message></message> tag is treated as an individual message.

<message> Anatomy ​

The <message> tag includes one required and two optional properties:

  • role: Required. Must be one of system, user, or assistant.
  • tool: Optional. A Base64-encoded JSON array containing keys like tool_call_id, tool_name, tool_arguments, and tool_content.
  • image: Optional. A Base64-encoded JSON array containing keys like image_url and detail.

Example ​

Here’s an example setup:

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Agent;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Agent\HasOutputSchema;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Integration;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Memory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Integrations\OpenAIIntegration;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Memory\CollectionMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Traits\Agent\ValidatesOutputSchema;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\ValueObject\SchemaRule;

class WelcomeEmailAgent extends Agent implements HasOutputSchema
    use ValidatesOutputSchema;

    protected string $promptView = 'Prompts.WelcomeEmailPrompt';

    public function resolveIntegration(): Integration
        return new OpenAIIntegration;

    public function resolveMemory(): Memory
        return new CollectionMemory;

    public function resolveOutputSchema(): array
        return [
                'name' => 'welcomeEmail',
                'rules' => 'required|string',
                'description' => 'the welcome email.',

$welcomeEmailAgent = new WelcomeEmailAgent;
$result = $welcomeEmailAgent->handle(['user' => User::first('2')]);


<message role="user">
  # Instruction
  Write a HTML welcome email using the user's information as outlined below:

  ## User Information
  Name: {{$user->name}}
  Favorite Color: {{$user->favorite_color}}
  Favorite Emoji: {{$user->favorite_emoji}}


This would render as:

<message type="user">
# Instruction
Write a HTML welcome email using the user's information as outlined below:

## User Information
Name: Greg
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Emoji: 🤮

### You must respond using the following schema. Immediately return valid JSON formatted data:
    "answer": "(required|string) your final answer to the query."

As shown, anything you can do in a Blade template, you can do in your prompts.