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Multi Query Retriever Agent ​

The MultiQueryRetrieverAgent generates different versions of a given user question. These variations can be used to retrieve relevant documents from a vector database or to have another agent perform a web search (e.g., using Google).

Usage ​

To use this agent, simply include it as shown below. The handle method takes two inputs:

  • queryCount: The number of query variations to generate.
  • input: The question for which you want queries generated.

use UseTheFork\Synapse\Agents\MultiQueryRetrieverAgent;

$agent = new MultiQueryRetrieverAgent;
$agentResponse = $agent->handle(['queryCount' => '5', 'input' => 'What gym activities do you recommend for heart health?']);

Example Output ​

The above code results in the following output:

array:3 [
  "role" => "assistant"
  "finish_reason" => "stop"
  "content" => array:1 [
    "answer" => array:5 [
      0 => "Which exercises at the gym are best for cardiovascular health?"
      1 => "What are the most effective gym workouts to improve heart function?"
      2 => "Can you suggest some gym routines that benefit heart health?"
      3 => "What types of gym activities are good for strengthening the heart?"
      4 => "Which fitness center exercises could help in enhancing heart health?"