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Database Memory ​

Database memory persists data by storing it in your database, allowing other agents to retrieve or modify the memory on the fly.

Getting Started ​

To use database memory, follow these steps:

  1. Publish the migrations used by DatabaseMemory by running the install command and choosing to publish the migrations.
php artisan synapse:install
  1. Add the HasMemory trait and implement the resolveMemory method in your agent.
  2. Include the ManagesMemory trait in your agent.
  3. In your Blade prompt view, use the @include('synapse::Parts.MemoryAsMessages') snippet to display the memory as messages.
  4. Set the memory type to DatabaseMemory in the resolveMemory method.


To keep things simple with memory, the handle method input should always have an input key. This is what is stored as the user's content. For example:
$agent->handle(['input' => 'How Are you?']);



use UseTheFork\Synapse\Agent;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Integrations\OpenAIIntegration;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Memory\DatabaseMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Agent\HasMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Traits\Agent\ManagesMemory;

class SimpleAgent extends Agent implements HasMemory
    use ManagesMemory;  

    protected string $promptView = 'synapse::Prompts.SimplePrompt';

    public function resolveIntegration(): Integration
        return new OpenAIIntegration();

    public function resolveMemory(): Memory
        return new DatabaseMemory();

Using a Specific Memory ID ​

DatabaseMemory accepts an ID as its input. If the specified ID is not found, a new memory entry is created.


public function resolveMemory(): Memory
    return new DatabaseMemory(123);