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Conversation Summary Memory ​

Conversation Summary memory generates a summary of the entire conversation, including responses from the user, agent, and tool calls. This is a direct implementation of Langchain's conversation summary memory.

Getting Started ​

To implement conversation summary memory, follow these steps:

  1. Add the HasMemory trait and implement the resolveMemory method in your agent.
  2. Include the ManagesMemory trait in your agent.
  3. In your Blade prompt view, use the @include('synapse::Parts.MemoryAsMessages') snippet to display the memory as messages.
  4. Set the memory type to ConversationSummaryMemory in the resolveMemory method.


To keep things simple with memory, the handle method input should always have an input key. This is what is stored as the user's content. For example:
$agent->handle(['input' => 'How Are you?']);



use UseTheFork\Synapse\Agent;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Integrations\OpenAIIntegration;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Memory\ConversationSummaryMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Agent\HasMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Traits\Agent\ManagesMemory;

class SimpleAgent extends Agent implements HasMemory
    use ManagesMemory;  

    protected string $promptView = 'synapse::Prompts.SimplePrompt';

    public function resolveIntegration(): Integration
        return new OpenAIIntegration();

    public function resolveMemory(): Memory
        return new ConversationSummaryMemory();