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Memory ​

It is often useful for an agent to have memory. For example, in a conversation, an agent should remember past inputs to respond appropriately.

Synapse provides several memory types that can be easily integrated into your agent.

Getting Started ​

To get started, add the HasMemory interface and implement the resolveMemory method in your agent. You will also need to use the ManagesMemory trait. After that, select a memory type, have the resolveMemory method return it, and include the @include('synapse::Parts.MemoryAsMessages') snippet in your Blade prompt view.

[!IMPORTANT] To keep things simple with memory, the handle method input should always have an input key. This is what is stored as the user's content. For example:
$agent->handle(['input' => 'How Are you?']);

In the example below, we use CollectionMemory, which stores memory for the duration of the application's lifecycle but clears it afterward.


use UseTheFork\Synapse\Agent;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Integrations\OpenAIIntegration;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Memory\CollectionMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Contracts\Agent\HasMemory;
use UseTheFork\Synapse\Traits\Agent\ManagesMemory;

class SimpleAgent extends Agent implements HasMemory
    use ManagesMemory;  

    protected string $promptView = 'synapse::Prompts.SimplePrompt';

    public function resolveIntegration(): Integration
        return new OpenAIIntegration();

    public function resolveMemory(): Memory
        return new CollectionMemory();

Memory Methods ​

All memory types support the following methods:

  • clearMemory(): Clears the agent's memory.
  • memory(): Returns the current memory class.
  • getMemoryAsInputs(): Converts the current memory into inputs for the agent's prompt.
  • addMessageToMemory(Message $message): Adds a message to the memory.
  • setMemory(array $messages): Sets the memory with a given array of messages.
  • defaultMemory(): Registers the memory type.